Frequently Asked Questions

Certificación en el Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste

¿Qué es el Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste (SGZW)?

The Zero Waste Management System (ZWMS) serves as a technical and managerial instrument that enables organizations to execute the 9R Framework strategies, namely: Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Recover, and Recycle. These strategies are implemented in a process of continuous improvement, incorporating life cycle analysis and risk management to enhance efficiency in the handling of material flows and solid waste, all within the context of a circular economy.

These systems adhere to the high-level structure of ISO standards and undergo validation, verification, and certification by Validation and Verification Bodies (VVB). Furthermore, the systems employ guidelines for project direction and management to facilitate their implementation across various economic sectors and on an international scale.

¿Quién opera el programa de certificación en el Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste?

The certification program for the Zero Waste Management System is operated by Global Zero Waste. This organization is a prominent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that specializes in the development of circular economy standards. It also plays a crucial role in fostering synergies between the public sector, private sector, and the general public. In addition to this, there are authorized bodies that independently validate, verify, and certify compliance with the Standard’s requirements.

¿Quién puede certificarse en el Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste?

The Zero Waste Management System certification is open to all public and private entities across various sectors of the economy. This certification serves as a testament to an organization’s commitment to the Circular Economy and the implementation of the Zero Waste model. It's an effective tool for enhancing solid waste management and refining organizational processes.

¿Qué beneficios ofrece el Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste?

The structured application of the Standard yields economic, environmental, and social benefits. It furnishes organizations with crucial data and insights regarding the flow and management of materials used, thereby fostering the development of circular economy alternatives and sustainability through various approaches. The information produced by the implementation of the Standard can be aligned with other sustainability standards, such as GRI Reports, Sustainability GreenMetric, ISO 59000, ISO 14001, among others.

¿Qué categorías existen en la certificación del Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste?

The certification for the Standard is divided into four distinct categories:

Platinum: this category is for organizations that have successfully achieved certification for the Standard for three consecutive years and have obtained a gold status in their most recent period.
Gold: this category is designated for organizations that have achieved a total score ranging between 80 and 100 points.
Silver: this category is for organizations that have accumulated a total score between 60 and 79 points.
Bronze: this category is for organizations that have a total score ranging from 40 to 59 points.

Each category represents a different level of achievement within the Standard, allowing organizations to strive for continuous improvement in their comprehensive waste management practices.

¿Quién certifica el Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste?

The Zero Waste Management System is certified by the Validation and Verification Bodies (VVB). These organizations are authorized in conjunction with Global Zero Waste. They conduct an external and independent audit to ensure the standards are met and maintained. This process ensures the credibility and integrity of the certification.

¿A cuáles Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenibles se aportan con la implementación del Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste?

The Zero Waste Management System contributes significantly to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations in 2015. These goals serve as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

The Standard specifically contributes to the following SDGs:

1. Biosphere: SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (Life Below Water), and SDG 15 (Life on Land).

2. Society: SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).

3. Economy: SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

By adhering to the Standard, organizations can play a vital role in advancing these goals and promoting sustainable development on a global scale.

¿Cuáles son los costos de la certificación del Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste?

1. Entry into the certification program: as an organization, you can obtain membership in the International Standard program. The cost of this membership varies according to the size of the organization, whether it is small, medium, or large. For more detailed information, please contact us at or through this form.

2. Implementation of the Standard: the cost of implementation can vary based on the needs analysis conducted by the organization. Factors such as the resources (human, technological, etc.) and scope (processes, areas, facilities, among others) that the organization prioritizes and defines for implementation, can influence the cost.

3. Certification audit: this involves the external audit process, which is conducted by a Validation and Verification Body (VVB). The costs of the audit are determined by the chosen body for this purpose.

Please note that these costs are an essential part of the process to ensure the credibility and integrity of the certification.

¿Debo tener 100% de reciclaje o cero (0) residuos a relleno sanitario para certificarme en el Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste?

No, el Sistema no es una norma exclusiva de reciclaje. Esta norma busca mejorar de manera continua la eficiencia en el flujo de materiales y residuos de la organización y desviar o reducir los residuos llevados a relleno sanitario y a estrategias e baja eficiencia como la valorización energética. Esto lo hace por medio de estrategias 3 R y 9 R más eficientes, como la reducción y la reutilización. Como requisito habilitante, la organización debe tener como mínimo un porcentaje de reciclaje real del 50%, aunque no es el único requisito para obtener la certificación. Este Sistema verifica otros componentes organizacionales de forma integral, ya que es una herramienta de economía circular en el flujo de materiales.

¿Si tengo más del 50% de reciclaje real de residuos o desvío de residuos a relleno sanitario, puedo certificarme en el Sistema?

Únicamente si la organización está dando cumplimiento a los otros requisitos de la Norma Internacional con un mínimo de 40 puntos. Si bien el requisito habilitante es que la empresa tenga mínimo un porcentaje de reciclaje real del 50%, el objetivo es lograr la mejor continua en la eficiencia del flujo de materiales por lo que debe dar cumplimiento a los otros requisitos de la Norma Internacional. Según su nivel de cumplimiento (otorgado mediante puntaje), se clasifica en categoría bronce, plata u oro.

¿La categoría de certificación del Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste depende del porcentaje o tasa de reciclaje de la organización?

No. La categoría otorgada depende del nivel de cumplimiento que tenga la organización sobre los requisitos de la Norma Internacional Sistemas de Gestión Zero Waste, los cuales están comprendidos en los títulos «"context of the organization, leadership, planning, support, operation of comprehensive solid waste management, performance evaluation, and continuous improvement"«.

¿Cuáles son los componentes de la Norma del Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste?

Una de las grandes bondades de la Norma, es su organización bajo la estructura armonizada (o de alto nivel) de las normas internacionales ISO, aspecto que permite alinearla de forma favorable, sistémica e integral a otros estándares organizacionales. La Norma Internacional Sistemas de Gestión Zero Waste cuenta con los siguientes once (11) títulos:

0. Introduction
1. Scope and Field of Application
2. Normative References
3. Terms and Definitions
4. Context of the Organization
5. Leadership
6. Planning
7. Support
8. Operation of Comprehensive Solid Waste Management
9. Performance Evaluation
10. Improvement (continuous)

¿Cuánto tiempo tarda una organización en implementar y certificarse en el Sistema de Gestión Zero Waste?

El tiempo para la implementación de la Norma Internacional varía de acuerdo con las características de cada organización, alcance y su avance en las estrategias de economía circular. En promedio este proceso puede tardar entre 6 a 12 meses.

The certification duration of the Standard can also vary based on the defined scope of the system. It typically takes approximately two months following the conformity assessment conducted by the Validation and Verification Body (VVB).

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