
Good practices and recommendations for a Sustainable Urban Transportation policy in Colombia

This document addresses the necessity to establish guidelines and action plans for the creation of public policies, regulatory frameworks, and institutions that advocate for sustainable transportation in Colombia. The aim is to positively influence climate change and improve air quality in urban centers. Additionally, this research suggests the development of business models in the private sector and research lines in collaboration with academia.

It is our hope that individuals interested in these matters will find this book a useful tool for reflecting on these issues. We also hope it serves as an inspiration to move towards sustainable city models that include innovative proposals and solutions to the challenges posed by climate change, not only in Colombia, but globally.

This publication has been prepared solely as a guide or reference material and does not constitute professional advice. No warranty, either explicit or implicit, is provided regarding the accuracy of the recommendations contained herein. To the extent permitted by law, the Center for Studies for Sustainable Development (CEID), in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and with support from Global Zero Waste, does not accept or assume any responsibility, obligation, or duty of care for the consequences of any person acting or refraining from acting based on the information presented here.

Document language: Spanish

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